The computer was passed around and everyone posted to the blog. The GNIKE GNOME got a makeover and got a very nice pair of GNIKE's. I handed out the team shirts and the very special limited edition version of WeezieWipes.

Everyone has now split up into the two vans and we are making the trek to the hotel to check in. We will then head to the dinner with Dean. I am scribbing this from the back seat of wondermom's van and we just passed over the golden gate bridge, spectacular views all around.
More to come after tonight's dinner with pics :)
Yes, we want pictures!
Have a save trip and a fun dinner. Don't drink what wouldn't drink because there is some running to be done yet!
It was great to meet everyone, and I'm looking forward to seeing Van 2 tomorrow evening! The fog lifted just as you left my house. I'm sure you are in the sun now!
Have a great time, and keep posting those pictures!
Can't wait to watch the run. Cheering for you in Idaho!! Go get them Noel!!! Love you !!
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