Well, I have some time so I will post about my legs that I ran. I will post nice graphs and charts and the such on my blog under my full race report at 1miletogo.blogspot.com.
1st Leg - Leg #8 7.4 Miles
starting - deep in the vineyards
ending - Roadkill Highway
MAPStart Time: 2:05 PM
End Time: 2:59 PM
Running Time: 54 Mins
Kills: 11
Difficulty: Moderate
Clothing: Shorts & shirt
Splits: 8:20, 7:06, 7:33, 7:57, 7:34, 6:57, 7:07, 1:49 (.26) - Average Pace - 7:29
Right before starting this leg we passed Dean! He was coming up to this leg, and I though "Oh Boy, I will have a chance to pass Dean!" He soon got to the check point and stepped into the MotherShip. His father ran this leg for him, I talked to his father later (Very Nice Guy) at Leg#10 and found out that he had gotten lost on leg #8 along with numerous other runners.
This leg started off as a great tranquil run through the vineyards, there was a steep hill at the beginning, but it was over quickly. There was some gusty winds that started to pick up during this leg that continued throughout the rest of Van 2's legs. I ran through the countryside and passed a house with a lot of barking small dogs. I only saw 2 people in the vineyards. Soon after I exited the vineyards and entered the highway, there was a little bit of an incline and soon I started seeing more and more people. Not much more to report other than a few actual roadkills.
2nd Leg - Leg #20 (5.9)
Starting - the chilly beaches with a full moon and tranquil crashing waves
ending - a closed gas station after endless hills
MAPStart time: 2:27 AM
End Time: 3:14 AM
Running Time: 47 minutes
Kills: 11
Difficulty: Hard
Clothing: Running Pants, long sleeve & short sleeve tech shirts, gloves, beanie.
Splits: 7:26, 7:56, 7:32, 8:39, 8:24, 7:10 (.92) -Average Pace - 7:57
We waited along the beach for Monk_Monkey to finish her leg. There was a slight breeze and a chill to the air. I was pumped, this would be my hardest leg with alot of uphill running. I was looking forward to it and I was also fearing it. I saw Monk coming from some distance since she put a glow stick in her water bottle. Then I was off. At the beginning there were a few sand dunes across the road. About one mile in, I had my only pass of my original 3 legs, team google came from nowhere looking easy and said something and he was gone into the night, disappearing into the darkness. I am still not sure that he passed me at all, maybe I need a recount...
The moon was reflected out on the water and the waves crashed, it was a great start of the run. Soon I left those great sites behind and the hills came, and I ran on. One after another I racked up the roadkill and I felt great. I never felt great on hills, but tonight I did. I continued on and so did the hills. I passed one guy and he asked if he could hook a rope up to me. I passed a lady and she asked when the hills would end and I said soon. But then the biggest one hit as we ran through a neighborhood.
I slowed my pace a little, but kept on going never stopping to walk. I came screaming down the other side of the hill and picked up a few more kills. All right 11 now. Then I saw 12 & 13 and my pulse quickened as well as my pace. They were still about 400 meters out and they must of sensed the predator coming, for their pace also quickened. I bridged the gap to under 100 meters and they turned a corner and found safety in the runner exchange - Dang, next time...
3nd Leg - Leg #32 (4.7)
Starting - A sunny run down the hills under tree cover
ending - The street on the way down
MAPStart time: High Noon
End Time: 12:30 PM
Running Time: 30 minutes
Kills: 10
Difficulty: Easy
Clothing: Shorts & Shirt
Splits: 6:09, 6:13, 6:46, 6:53, 4:34 (.69) -Average Pace - 6:31
I stood on the decline waiting for Monk to come down, I was told I needed a bunch of kills to take the lead, 16 in total -things looked grim. I saw some people pass and I itched at my oppurtunity to run on a course that I knew would be fast, I had no idea on just how fast.
Soon Monk came around the corner, we did a quick wondertwins knucle punch and I was off screaming down the hill. the whole leg was downhill, there was a slight incline somewhere, but it was a blur. I ran fast and it felt good, I passed someone early, but then I didn't see anyone for a few miles, a high kill count didn't look good. The scenery was great, large trees, shade, but not any people. My stride was long and fast and I felt great. I passed a few vans and they cheered me at my pace and yelled encouragement. the first mile whizzed by - holy &%$#! 6:09, a new mile PR and almost sub 6! The second mile flew by 6:13, wow, this felt good! I knew it was a combo of my recent training, the elevation, and downhill.
When I passed my 5K at a sub 20 I was ecstatic! Now that I knew I could do it, I envisioned an upcoming 5K with an easy sub 20.
Soon I started to see victims and wracked up the numbers. I had 9 and saw one more in the distance and also the runner exchange. I emptied the tank and took off after, she sensed me and hurried her pace, but it wasn't enough. In the last few seconds before the exchange I had her and 10 for the leg. Little would I know at that moment that 10 was enough to beat out noels by 1, but 1 shy of passing Tex. oh well, a mile PR and 5K PR on one run and I felt great!
4th Leg - Leg #35 6.5 - ran 5.9
Starting - Slowashell was not feeling well and I picked up this leg for him. (he felt better later)
ending - the Streets of Santa Cruz (sounds like a cop drama)
MAPStart time: 3:10 PM
End Time: 3:55 PM
Running Time: 45 minutes
Kills: N/A
Difficulty: Hard
Clothing: Shorts and Shirt
Splits: 8:47, 7:52, 7:27, 7:23, 7:10, 6:40 (.85) -Average Pace - 7:44
At the start of this Leg Mark did not feel well at all. Like a trooper he started the leg with the heart of a true waiting for runs team member. We caught up to him at the top of the killer hill .6 miles into the run. He did not look good at all and we had him get into the van. I took over the leg and continued on to meet Susie at the final runner station.
The beginning of the run was through a peaceful wooded area. There was a lot of van support as other teams offered up water. I felt good and continued on, opting not to stop. I passed one lady and told her she was doing great. I saw another lady in front and decided to try and reach her and pace her. I couldn't do it, she was doing my same pace. I was taking a pretty easy pace and soon found my legs wanting to open up. I let them go and each leg got increasingly faster.
I broke out of the woods and saw the ocean open up in front of me. WOW is all I could think we are so close to the end of this. I continued on down a hill and saw masses of people walking slowly. At first I thought I was stuck in a PMag gauntlet challenge, but the just walked past me, I still don't know where they were all headed. I continued on, the lady was still about 300 yards in front of me. Then I heard the footsteps behind me around mile 4 and I thought not today, I increased my pace and looked back, he was a little way behind me.
I kept the guy at bay, the vehicle traffic was getting heavy and I was weaving in and out of people. A guy opened his car door and I had to jump out of the way and run up on the sidewalk. The guy shouted sorry, but I was already gone. Then I came up to a stop light and my hunter stopped with me. There went the lead. Then we were off again, I regained my small lead and looked at my watch 5.25 miles, I wasn't sure of the length of this leg, I knew it was something over 6, but that was all.
Dang another stop light. Again we both sat there waiting, then it turned green and he took off and dusted me. Crap, I couldn't catch him, I saw the exchange and ended strong and watched Susie bring us home!