Anyway, the whole team was so hospitable and welcoming to a gnome like me. Don't believe any stories that you hear about me at the Pre-race dinner, I think that Mark is working on photoshopping some pictures to make it look like I was a drunken gnome. Gnome's can hold their liqueur, it is the little trolls and tree elves that are little hellions.
The energy was tremendous, I watched as the team worked like a well oiled machine. I saw primal screams - not sure if my primal scream was recorded or not. I saw passion, I saw drive, I saw the wackiness of the vans. Everyone finished their run and passed on to the next runner.
At first I was apprehensive about the whole deal of being stuck in a van with these sweaty, stinky runners. My thoughts wandered on how I would be treated and if I would be forgotten somewhere on the long and winding road. Would I be a burden to the team. In the end all of my fears were squashed and the fun began. I saw places that I would never have dreamed of. I visited the beaches, wooded areas, far off cities, and even Inns that my cousin hadn't heard of. I saw all sorts of people, and I gained a new found love of running as I watched my team at work and play.
I tried these things called red bull - WOW good stuff, I had food that I never heard of, at least they told me it was food. The way the snickered when I ate it, makes me wonder now what they did to it... I saw so many teams enjoying themselves, it made me question why people talked about running as boring. The other gnomes would not believe if it wasn't for the pictures.

Then I told them about seeing Dean, and that even I, a little gnome from the mountains became a celebrity. Oh yes, People flocked to me and requested pictures with me and I had my little cheeks pinched and the looks. Oh, the looks were fabulous, they really loved the gnome. Oh, I got so much attention from other runners. I think that some even missed seeing Dean at an exchange because they were enthralled with me.

I spent hours talking with Alex and bestowing gnomish wisdom upon him, I told him to seek the hills and to conquer the inclines. I told him to complete the VH legs and that he could do it. Noel & Dan gave me pointers to smoke 1mile in the straight-aways and helped me with my running form. I was in awe with the maps that mawz put together and how everything was laid out. The Foos told me stories of Foo and how Foo was fast for a Foo, did that make sense? I posed for Mark in all sorts of interesting locations (again, beware of any photoshopping) & Robyn gave me pointers on running endurance races. wondermom made me fell at home and safe in van 2 while I was with them. Susie listened to all of my gnomish tales and stories with intrigue, her attention to detail must be gleaned from partaking in LOST.
There was one member in particular, that really took great care of me. She fixed my shirt, she geared me up in Nike goods and was my traveling companion for alot of time that I spent with the team. I lower my hat and give thanks to the kindness of Mystery Runner. May our paths meet again.
I also learned the art of using the Porta Potty.

I saw so many colorful vans and runners, and I heard about these roadkills that were sought after. I'm still looking into that one. So, being back in the highlands, I think that I will start training, maybe I can run the next relay alongside my mates. Maybe I can run with 1mile somewhere, or even scale a mountain. I hear that the view from the top is gorgeous.
Until next time, this is Gary the Gnike Gnome
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